Online Commentary
Qatar's Public Diplomacy - Turning Crisis into Opportunities?, Small States in Peace and War Research Forum, 2024, by Brian Shim Yew.
To Drown or Exit: An Assessment of Climate-Induced Migration in Tuvalu, Small States in Peace and War Research Forum, 2024, by Regine Sun
Should the Bahamas Join the WTO?, Small States in Peace and War Research Forum, 2023, by Edwin Tan
Solving the Maldivian Paradox: Building Tourism's Climate Resiliency through a Multi-Actor Approach, Small States in Peace and War Research Forum, 2023, by Kshiti Taneja
Small Gulf States in World Markets, APSA - MENA Politics Newsletter, volume 5, no. 4, Oct. 2022, pp.60 - 65, by Steve L. Monroe
What small states can learn from the Gulf - and vice versa. Economic Research Forum (ERF) Policy Portal Forum, Mar. 22, 2022, by Steve L. Monroe
Working Papers
"The Blessings of Scarcity: The Institutional Origins of Small States' Prosperity," by Muhammad Bin Khalid and Steve L. Monroe (Revise and Resubmit).
"Electorate Size and Female Representation: Evidence from State Legislative Assemblies in India," by Isabella Gupta and Steve L. Monroe.